Launched, Sunday 11th November 2018. Dedicated and paying tribute to veterans who have served in small conflicts since World War Two. This is an unofficial website with no ties to the Ministry of Defence. We would also like to pay a special tribute to Martin Spirit. For more information please read the About BSW page.
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Last updated: Feb 10, 2019
The Aden Withdrawal November 1967 - Aden - 1964-1967
In 1966 whilst onboard H.M. Submarine Auriga, I spent a most enjoyable stay in Aden stopping there enroute for a long commission based on Singapore. From my diary of that time, I note that we arrived at 1340 on Sunday the 20th February when the weather was 85f... read more.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2019
The Ever Readies Aden 1965 - Aden - 1964-1967
I became involved in the British Army's operations in Aden as a member of the Territorial Army; I was not a regular soldier. I had originally joined the services as a boy seaman in the Royal Navy, aged 15, in 1951.... read more.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2019
Tales from Aden 1955 to 1957 - Aden - 1964-1967
I remember when we were in Aden in 66 Rifle Squadron and we used to go up country when the natives got restless. One time we were going up with a convoy of supplies and we came under fire.... read more.
Last updated: Feb 10, 2019
RASC in Aden and the Radfan - Aden - 1964-1967
I was posted to Aden from Aldershot in Feb 1964 after basic training as a driver in the RASC, at Yeovil, & Aldershot. I was so excited to be going to a place like Aden and not Germany... read more.
Some of the Featured
Last to leave - Palestine - 1945-1948
At about 0400 hrs, on the 30th of June 1948, Z Day, the first of the rearguard units began to withdraw from Haifa dockyard, 2 company, 1st Coldstream Guards, through the No 10 gate, 2 company, Grenadier Guards, from No 1 gate... read more.
Farrar the Para - Radfan - 1964-1967
In the spring of 1964, the sniping war waged in the hinterland of the South Arabian Federation flared up and the campaign that followed was reminiscent of the pre-war fighting on the North-West Frontier of India.... read more.
Bombing of the King David Hotel - Palestine - 1945-1948
On the morning of the 22nd of July 1946 a party of between 15 and 20 Jews, dressed as Arabs entered the King David Hotel.... read more.
Life in a Korean Prisoner of War Camp - Korea - 1950-1957
Korean Veteran Ted Beckerley wrote about his horrific experiences of years in a prisoner of war camp in North Korea before his death. Ted, who came from Rushden died at the age of 78 on September 27, 1998... read more.
SBS Operations - Gulf War - 1990-1991
After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the Special Forces were assigned two possible actions in the emerging Allied contingency plans:... read more.
Introduction - Aden - 1964-1967
In 1839 Captain Haines of the East India Company landed a party of Royal Marines on the small seaport at the foot of the Red Sea. Haines's job was to put an end to the Adeni pirates who were harassing British merchant ships on their passage to India.... read more.
The Crater to The Creggan - Aden - 1964-1967
In the late 1950s that part of the Army's world known generically as 'Aden' consisted of a Crown Colony, which included the port and strategic staging post of Aden itself, the BP oil refinery five miles to the west, and, to the north east, a number of tribal territories divided into the Western and Eastern Aden Protectorates.... read more.
H.M.S. Jamaica - Korea - 1950-1957
I and my pal Ron Godsall were both Boy Seamen in the RN cruiser, H.M.S. Jamaica - often known as ... read more.