With tribute to:

Martin Spirit

James Paul

Co-written by:

David Carter

Britain's Small Wars

The preservation of British Military History

India 1945-1948

"Sunset on the Raj"

Exercise Reunion

Thanks to Mr. James Reid for providing the material for this article.

1st Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers
Lt.Col. J.D.O. Delano Osborne, C.O.
Major A.J. Du Sautoy, Adjt.

The 1st Battalion played a major role in 'Exercise Reunion' following the 1947 division of India into India and Pakistan. The exercise was carried out by the 16th British Brigade Group and involved various road and rail convoys to bring British families from the hills down to Delhi. Troops and transport played a big part.

A 'Special Order of the Day' by Brigadier A.G. MacKenzie-Kennedy, D.S.O., Commander of 16 Brit.Bde.Gp was issued November 7, 147.

1st Battalion was stationed in Delhi Cantonment in Nicholson Lines, and for a short time in Meerut, returning to Delhi.

The 1st Battalion left India from Bombay at the beginning of January 1948 on the Empress of Australia and landed in Liverpool near the middle of the month, returning to Fairfield Camp, Monkton, Ayrshire, Scotland.

P.A.SGT (orderly room) John G. Callan 1st Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers.
G.S.C. April 18, 1946 - June 12, 1946
R.S.F. June 13, 1946 - July 13, 1948

Special Order of the Day
Brigadier A.G. MacKenzie-Kennedy, D.S.O.
Exercise Reunion

I have received from the Supreme Commander Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, GCB, GCIE, CSI, DSO,OBE and Major General L.G. Whistler, CB, DSO, GOC British Troops India and Pakistan, the letters attached respectively at Appendices 'A' and 'B'. Extracts from letters received by Major General Whistler are attached at Appendix 'C'.

I also wish to take this opportunity of adding my personal thanks to all ranks of the Brigade who have taken a part, however great or small, in the planning and execution of Exercise Reunion. One of our duties at the present time is that of safeguarding British lives and property, and Exercise Reunion has been a practical demonstration to everyone of the efficient manner in which the British Army executes the many and varied tasks involved in carrying out its duty. The British soldier has once again given proof of his chivalrous and cheerful personality, combined with an adaptability which has always been the wonder of the world, and which in this case varied form acting as nurse to elderly person and young infants to the purely military routine or running and maintaining successfully a big mixed convoy over long distances.

I should like to quote the words said to me by a senior Naval Officer who accompanied the convoy from Debra Dun to Dehli, 'The Army has done a magnificent job'. Coming as it did form an officer of The Senior Service I consider there could be no finer praise.

Thank you.

Dated: 7 Nov 1947

Comd. 16 Brit Bde Gp.